Graham's music was warmly received by www.newsfix.ca reviewer Mike Crisolago, who wrote:
"His original songs are passionate and genuine and woven wonderfully into the event. Porter deserves great credit for adding a soul to the heart and bones of [playwright Risha] Yorke's play." (May 2009)
Now, in Tell Me Another, Graham presents a musical rendition of a sadly-overlooked Grimm fable, The Juniper Tree, transposed to a Depression-era setting. It's the perfect summer fun-time story!

Freezing cold and out of gin, a balladeer consoles himself with the story of a barren wife praying before a juniper tree. Sure, her prayer is answered ... but in typical fable fashion, things can only go downhill from there.
What makes The Juniper Tree remarkable is the uncompromising steepness of the hill, with cannibalism and payback hard on the heels of murder and deceit. Could Graham's affinity for this fable arise from his background in Anglican liturgical music? You be the judge.
Come hear Graham tell this story in the second act of Tell Me Another.
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